Sunday, January 2, 2011

It's about time I get this blog going!

Well, we left Santa Cruz six weeks ago, and I'm finally getting around to starting the official blog of the Good Ship Moondance. It has been an incredible start to the voyage. I won't give details quite yet. I'd rather just upload photos of Moondance's log. For now, enjoy a few shots of our passage from Santa Barbara to Santa Cruz Island.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, just wanted to say that I hope all is well, and that if I weren't too manly to miss people I would miss you. Sounds like you're living the dream, and I'm really proud of you for making it happen. I'd shoot you an email, but it turns out that I don't actually have your email address (and I couldn't find a way to email you from this site). Email me at when you get a chance... I'd love to hear how everything is going!
